Tuesday, March 15, 2005

We are free of misery at least (Great story)


For a long time I was under the impression that we are not free at all. For whatever reasons I was convinced to this point. But for the last week I was reading a story on the Ummat's web site written by Aleem-ul-Haq-Haqi. Well, I don't know why But while I started reading that I fell in love with this man. Aleem bhai, My brother I really salute you and pray for you as you are not feeling well now-a-days. You helped me realize so many things.

Khair, I realize the way one should be searching for Allah. The fact of Muhabbat. and most of all I realized, after how many efforts Allah Has given us this country to be free to pray Allah.

We are free in terms keh, while we sleep we don't have fear that somebody will break into our house and start robbing and killing us. We are free from the fear that once we are out of our house, our sisters and mother (i.e. ladies are safe). We are free from the fact that we can show freely that we are muslims.

I went back to home and asked my Nanii who performed the Hijrat herself while the Pakistan came into being. The facts she told me confirmed Aleem bhai's story, well, atleast the part where he discussed the movement for Pakistan. I realized that how one can live after dying. We are not here for tafreeh and hallah gullah. We have certian responsibilities and that is to give protection to those who can not protect themselves.

Well, I don't know about you people but I literally cried for help from Allah on my way back to home and wasn't able to sleep very well through the night. I was seeing myself in the condition as the Aleem bhai has stated when Balwaii attacked on the house.

And wasn't sure what to do, so, I prayed to Allah and realized that only Allah can protect anybody not me nor anybody. But still there are so many feelings of mine which I need to understand.

Honestly, people I am not joking. May be you people think that I am getting weak by crying out for help, but the more I gave it a thought, the more helpless I felt and asked Allah for help. Khair.

Don't want to ruin you people's good mode.

So, take-care.



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