Thursday, September 02, 2004

Ilaaj Kii Kiss Kou Zarorat Hay!

Hmmm.., I, Aay Dee and one of our close friend was standing on the beach and were talking on government statements now-a-days. During our discussion we started talking about Peshawar's condition. Well, our friend got real excited while telling us the statement Musharaf bhai gave on the ban on Models related banners and stuff. Well, according to Peshawar's official it was banned because it is not good to look at Na-Mehram. And i believe most of us know what feeling it gives us while looking at Model's posters. Khair, tou i was talking about the Musharaf bhai's statement. He said,"If you guys feel something just by looking at the pictures then you should go and examine yourself by doctor or something". Well, at that day i didn't give this thing much of the attention. Cuz, it seemed too stupid to me. Khair, today it just came into my mind and i realized that agar any Muslim bhai don't feel anything strange by looking tou meray bhai, Ilaaj kii aap logoon kou shadeed zaroorat hay.
And i know most of you guys must know what is that cure.
Unable to guess?
Well, it is simple bhai just lower your gaze and you will start to feel. Chandaa, Baday Tasveerain daikh kar nahien hotay hain balkeh Burai seh bach kar hotay hain.
Khair, got to go now.

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